How to have a successful ART Business

Author and artist, Carolyn Edmond  said some very true thoughts on becoming successful doing what you love. I wanted to share with you all.

“In my experience speaking and working with many artists over the years, I’ve noticed some clear distinctions between the people who rise above, and make a successful business out of their dreams, and the people who don’t. It’s actually not hard to spot those artists who have the best chances of realizing their dreams.

Talent is not a predictor of success. You may be amazingly talented, but that doesn’t mean that you have the drive or ability to create a sustainable business using your talent. What does make the difference?

First, it takes vision. How do you see your life when you are living your dream? How will you be earning your income through your art? What does your business model look like, and what will your daily activities be?

When you have a finely tuned vision in mind, you are in a position to work backwards to plan and set long and short term goals to achieve on your journey. Without a destination in mind, you cannot create a roadmap.

Knowing what you want also puts you in a position to say “no” to those things that take you off course. Does that offer to teach a summer course in painting provide income, but not support your plan to do intensive studio work during the same period? Artists who don’t have a definite plan often end up taking what comes along, and it doesn’t always fit well with what they really want.

Then there is the hard day-to-day work that must take place to succeed. Success doesn’t happen overnight. It happens slowly and purposefully. This requires discipline, and it must be self-motivated. No one cares as much about your creative business as you do. Individuals who thrive as self-employed artists are disciplined, many times to the point of devotion. They do what they do because they love it. Building that small business sustains them. They delight in and celebrate every small victory, every step forward along the way.

Sometimes artists get hung up on everything having to be perfect before they launch their business, causing long delays that may sabotage their plans. But perfection isn’t necessary. Jump in and get started. Every business is a work in progress, and there is a lot of “on the job learning” to be done. Staying on course may be easier with an accountability partner or a mentor. Many times when I work with an artist, we create “next steps” to move their business forward, and I usually get an email from them within a few days listing what they have accomplished. Setting achievable goals in small steps that can be checked off helps to keep you motivated, as you see the results of your efforts.

One of the biggest challenges that artists face is following up on leads and prospective clients. Has this happened to you? It’s also one of the biggest hurdles for professional salespeople too – you are not alone. If you need to get back on track with regular contact and activities to close the sale, start where you are and create a plan. Regular email marketing campaigns are excellent strategies to stay in front of people who are either collectors or have expressed interest in your art. Persistence is one of your most valuable assets. Simply hanging in there can be more powerful than almost anything else. Show up and be seen. Let people know that you are in it for the long run, and stay the course. You have the ability through motivation and discipline to direct your own future.”

I have learned to do much of this over the last decade and I agree that it takes persistence and discipline. I take the time to also cross link to various social media like twitter, tumbler, google plus. etc. It all helps. Its not easy to make it as an artist by yourself. But you have to do it in order to sell artwork…. to pay for new supplies to keep creating.

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